Montessori Autumn Leaf Shapes Clip Art
Regular price $2.00
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Get creative with these beautiful Montessori-inspired fall/autumn leaf images and use them to make your own digital or printable materials (commercial use is welcome). Brighten up your slideshows, SMART Board lessons, posters, cards, and worksheets with the 18 shapes from your Botany Cabinet: acerose, cordate, cuneate, deltoid, elliptical , fan-shaped, hastate, lanceolate, linear, obcordate, oblong, obovate, orbiculate, ovate, peltate, reniform, sagittate, and spatulate.
What's Included
- 1 PDF with my clip art Terms of Use
- 1 PNG with my logo to use when giving credit to my store
- 18 PNGs at 300 dpi of autumn leaf shapes with transparent backgrounds