Montessori Math Large & Small Number Cards: Make 0-9999, Place Value Practice
Regular price $3.00
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The Montessori Number Cards introduce children to the decimal system. Children read and build large numbers and develop an understanding of the written numerical symbols for each category of the decimal system (i.e. units, tens, hundreds, thousands). This resource includes a printable version of the large number cards, the small number cards, a bonus set of zero cards which are helpful when making numbers that include zeros, and a bonus set of cards to use when presenting the association between the Golden Beads and the numerals for 1, 10, 100, and 1000.
The cards are designed to be printed on 8.5" x 11" paper without any borders to be cut off. The dimensions are as follows:
Small Cards:
4 digit numbers are 5.5" x 1.9375"
3 digit numbers are 4.125" x 1.9375"
2 digit numbers are 2.75" x 1.9375"
1 digit numbers are 1.375" x 1.9375"
Large Cards:
4 digit numbers are 7.3342" x 2.625"
3 digit numbers are 5.5013" x 2.625"
2 digit numbers are 3.6684" x 2.625"
1 digit numbers are 1.8356" x 2.625"
They've been designed for busy teachers to minimize the amount of cutting required when prepping.
What's Included
- 1 PDF with teacher information (preparation and basic presentation suggestions) to help you get this lesson up and running as soon as possible
- 1 PDF with small number cards
- 1 PDF with large number cards