Montessori Math Bead Stair Snowflakes Clip Art
Regular price $4.50
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This is a set of fun and unique Montessori-inspired snowflakes. Bead bars from the Bead Stair are incorporated into each snowflake design. TRY THIS! Insert the images into a Word or Pages file (a 7.5"x7.5" square works well), print them out, and have your children place the actual bead bars on top of the printed snowflake. For an extra challenge they can use the bead bars to recreate the snowflake beside the image.
Or, if you're the creative type, make your own Montessori activities for your students to keep them engaged during the Winter and Christmas season. Commercial use is welcome so you can sell your creations if you'd like!
What's Included
- 1 PDF with my clip art Terms of Use
- 1 PNG with my logo to use when giving credit to my store
- 10 PNGs at 300 dpi of bead stair snowflakes with transparent backgrounds