Montessori Math Operations Booklets
Regular price $7.50
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If you're looking for more ways to give your lower elementary students practice with big operations, these printable booklets are perfect and so easy to prepare. Your students will use them to record the answers to the questions in my large and small operations cards (sold separately). They can be used with both the Golden Bead Operations Cards and the Stamp Game Operations Cards.
Here's how it might look in your classroom: children choose a task cards from the above mentioned sets, complete the question with manipulatives, and record their answers in the booklets. This will help them keep track of which questions they have completed and it's way more fun than recording in a notebook or on a worksheet.
You actually get three different versions of each booklet to help you differentiate for the children in your class!
Version 1: every page has a question printed on it and children record only their answers (this version can stand on its own if you don't have the task cards mentioned above).
Version 2: every second page has a blank template for children to copy the question (from the card) as well as record their answer. This gives them practice copying questions without the burden of having to copy every single question.
Version 3: all pages have a blank template and children copy the question (from the card) as well as record their answer, for all questions. This is ideal for older children who can copy quickly.
Classroom teachers you'll be able to print multiple copies super quickly, and homeschoolers there's a special version for you that only requires you to print one copy of each booklet.
What's Included
- 1 PDF with teacher information (preparation and basic presentation suggestions) to help you get this lesson up and running as soon as possible
- 24 PDFs with the classroom version of the booklets
- 12 PDFs with the homeschool version of the booklets